Lord....Sunday and Cami.  What a day.  For the third time since January she had another UTI.  Something is going on and she is going to require some tests.  

When I noticed the symptoms.....which of course every time has been on a weekend.... that means double the price right.  And because of Covid  you have to wait in your car.  That's always fun.

I took her around 11 AM and they could not get a urine specimen because I stupidly walked her before we left.  WTH.....

They said being her back in 3 hours and don't let her pee.  Crikey that is all she wants to do....or try to do anyway.  So I followed the directions and gave her 1/2 Tylenol and 1/2 Benadryl.  Then I left to go for a walk because I was so anxious I could hardly stand still.

I came back 1 1/2 later and she had peed a tiny bit at the back door [poor baby].  I took her back at 3:30. urine. now I am teary and frustrated.

They said bring her back at 8:00.  So I drive home crying because at that moment....I felt my life was crumbling....which of course it wasn't but you know how frustration can cause a whole plethora of emotions.

Clean up your act Sherry.  I go home and think "how the hell can I get her to drink water?".  Lightbulb moment.  I fed her dinner with a half box of chicken stock.  I felt pretty smart at that moment.

I took her back at 8 and when they came out to get her I said "be careful and hold her leash tight cause she will try to pee".  People....when the doctor called me in the car and said she squatted right when she got in there I went  full on hysterical.  Yada....yada.....they managed to scoop some up and test.  Inconclusive on what type of bacteria but he knew not to give me disappointing news and gave me some medication.

I was spent after all of that.  Cami and I drove home totally exhausted from the day. 

 She is still my boo.

So with all that [sounds like my dog ate my homework]  I am not prepared for a level 10 post today but I will just dump some pictures on you just in case you don't follow me on "the gram"  haha.

When I walking on the trail in my neighborhood I saw 5-6 of these cute little painted stones placed at the base of trees.....

I don't know who is doing them but they are so dang cute and made me smile:)

I know this is not quite the stage that garners interest but this is one of 2 projects that I have going on right now!

[builder] Ladisic Fine Homes and [architect] Linda MacArthur  

Here is the other one....

I got this Charles Stewart ottoman recovered and it looks swell!

This room is coming pictures soon!

This is what I wore to a client meeting the other day and my client had on a seersucker jacket also!

I think we will get on pretty good huh!

 Finishing up this project and I am pretty happy with these paint colors.  SW Intellectual Gray and the trim is SW Anonymous.  I think it goes nicely with the stone.

Laundry room floor.....

I ventured out to one of my favorite stores the other day Huff Harrington.

The other day I wore these Gap camo jeggings with a frilly H&M top that I got last year.
I felt cute all day....haha

I went looking for a runner and saw these 2 beauties from Parviz Rugs.

I was trying to get organized in my office gathering up fabric memos to return to ADAC and got sidetracked.....easy for me to do!

The carpet is from Crescent Carpets called Ticking Stripe.

And I posted this "ootd" on Instagram to show that this is a sundress and I threw a shirt on over it and added a belt!

I start with Cami and end with her....

She is my buddy....and I can not imagine what my life would be without her during these trying times.  I have such highs and lows these days.  I am so unsure of my future and that is pretty darn scary for a 68 year old.  I am looking at having to work until I am in a wheelchair with a diaper on.  Ugh.

OK....gotta go walk Cami because the stare down from her is relentless....hee hee.


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