Hola was your weekend?  Mine was good....hung with my sisters a little on Saturday.  I am renovating my sisters kitchen and she has become a nightmare client all of the sudden.  At least 2x's a week she calls and leaves a message...."any news on the kitchen?".  Yeah.....I might strangle her before it is all over:)

Yesterday morning I was happily drinking my coffee when I heard a loud knocking at the door....startling as a matter of fact.

I look up to see the police and after answering the door found out that my car was broken into overnight.

Geez.....what next a pandemic?  Oh wait we are already going through that.  

Apparently they hit 6 cars and the police were going around alerting people.  They only got some change but for me it is the cost of the window and then the mechanism that operates the window.  Total 545.00

The hits just keep on coming....

Let's see....what else?  Well if you saw on Instagram I cleaned out my basement and garage with my sister.  After we got it all out she looked at me and said...."now do you want to put all this stuff back in?"

I really didn't but I was frozen.....meanwhile she was calling 1-800-got-junk and they were there in 15 minutes....on a Sunday.

She prodded me gently until I said OK....take it all.

I mean.....I could have sold some of it but I am already overwhelmed in life so sometimes you gotta make the tough decisions.

OK...enough about my life....let's look at some project updates.

One of my fav Currey and Co light fixtures!

Fun black and white bathroom....

This entrance!

Kitchen happening!

And this powder bath vanity....

The other project.....Great Circa Lighting fixture hanging in the family room.....

This kitchen....with SW Mindful Gray cabinets will have a nice backsplash with some pretty sconces!

The porch got this great the finish.  Boy fans have come a long way right!

I was over at Jenn Balcos much do you love this sculpture?

My friend Windell Dobson's art.

And he gifted me this little cutie pie for my gallery wall....

There are some good people in the world.

This beautiful wallpaper book!

I went to Scott's with my friend Rose and picked up the antique andirons for the Madison project.....

Cami says "Mom hang in there....I got you".

Y'all....maybe life has always been hard but I am thinking my small background of sadness wasn't there for me....perhaps that magnifies the difficult moments of late.

No biggie.....this will all pass.  Life just keeps moving forward.  

For us all....we are weary but strong.


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