My New Northwest Weather Book: Online Book Talk and In-Person Signing This Weekend. Plus Mountain Snow!

 As I have mentioned before, a greatly improved and expanded version of my book,  the WEATHER OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, is now available.  

Published by the University of Washington Press, the new edition includes two new chapters:  one on the meteorology of Northwest wildfires and the other on the weather of British Columbia.

The other chapters have been greatly revamped and updated, including the chapter on regional climate change.  The UW Press team did wonderful work on the layout.  The size of the book remains the same (large format), with many color pictures and graphics.

Because of COVID, my ability to do a book tour around the region is limited, something I will very much miss--I really enjoy talking about our weather and interacting with folks in person.

But this weekend, I will try to do the next best thing:  a virtual/online book talk on Saturday at 10 AM and an in-person book signing and chat at the University of Washington bookstore in Seattle between 1 and 3 PM on Sunday.

Virtual Book Talk:

The virtual book signing event will be available (again 10 AM Saturday) on my Facebook page (Facebook Live) and you don't need a Facebook account to view it.  Just go to:

I will start with a short talk about Northwest weather and then open it up for questions and comments (you simply type your questions in as comments on the Facebook page).

In-Person Signing

I am really excited about the in-person event at the UW Bookstore on Sunday (1-3 PM in the U. District).  More information is found here.  You can buy a book there or bring in a book you would like signed.  And happy to talk about the weather or climate.  You must be vaccinated/tested and wear a mask.

Right now, you can purchase the book from UW Press, UW Bookstore, most local bookstores, or online from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  If you want to peruse the book contents, here it is:


Finally, let me note that we are in a cool, wet pattern that will produce substantial snow in the mountains.   Here is the latest forecast through 7 PM Friday.  1-2 feet is possible above 4000 ft.   A really good base...and there is going to be much more after this.

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