New Podcast: How can we predict climate change if we can't forecast weather more than a week ahead? Plus, massive snow in the mountains.

My podcast this week takes on a question I am often asked:

How can we predict climate 50-100 years from now, if we can't forecast the weather skillfully next week?

A very important question.  

If you are serious about climate issues, you really need to know the answer.   

And my latest podcast explains in detail (information about accessing the podcast is found below).

In the podcast I also talk about the amazing about of snow that will hit our mountains during the next week, as a La Nina type pattern becomes established.  Feet of snow.  And dangerous conditions in the passes tomorrow.

Total forecast snow through 4 PM Monday

My podcast can be heard here.

Finally, this week I have two book events you might attend:  a virtual/online book talk on Saturday at 10 AM through Facebook Live and an in-person book signing and chat at the University of Washington bookstore in Seattle between 1 and 3 PM on Sunday.

Virtual Book Talk:

The virtual book signing event will be available (10 AM Saturday) on my Facebook page (Facebook Live).  Just go to:

I will start with a short talk about Northwest weather and then open it up for questions and comments (you simply type your questions in as comments on the Facebook page).

In-Person Signing

I am excited about the in-person event at the UW Bookstore on Sunday (1-3 PM in the U. District).  More information is found here.  You can buy a book there or bring in a book you would like signed.  And happy to talk about the weather or climate.  You must be vaccinated/tested and wear a mask.

You can listen to the podcast below or through your favorite podcast server.

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